The Unicorn Strategy
Get Any job - no experience, no connections, no application required
FACT 1: 70% of job openings aren't posted online! That's from research conducted by Payscale and the Wall Street Journal.
FACT 2: 91% of employers require work experience and 65% require relevant work experience for an entry level job, according to NACE and Linkedin.
FACT 3: 43% of college graduates don’t have a college-level job in their first job after school, quoted by the CEO of Avenica.
So what’s an enterprising job seeker to do?
There is no shortage of conventional wisdom; usually this runs along the lines of,
The reality is that if you want a job at Amazon, Facebook, Nike, Disney, Apple, Ernst & Young, Mckinsey & Co, Google, or any other major brand name out there, your chances of success are low when following the conventional route unless you're an exact match for the position.
This Master Class shares our decades of inside insights to get you hired fast, and not at any job, but THE Job.
As a Graduate, you have little relevant work experience to differentiate your application and demonstrate your ability to execute and deliver results in a work environment.
Our goal is to have you stand out from the crowd
Key learning objectives of this course: